written by Marko Jakob
Pix666: Hello guys. Thanks for your time. How are you doing these days, are you alive and well?
Eggvn IV: Yes, I Guess haha!
Eggvn V: Fine, well and working harder.
Pix666: Please introduce your band to the readers in a few short sentences. What kind of music does Eggvn make and what was your inspiration to become a musician?
Eggvn IV: Eggvn is a musical project in which we seek to unify some of our musical tastes, our inspiration is to make music that we would like to listen to, but many bands do not dare to make
Eggvn V: Eggvn is a different way of industrial / metal, combining all the inspiration in all we consider good music, they’re part of our sound.
What we see, hear, feel, smell and drink becomes an inspiration.
Pix666: What were the best or craziest experiences with the band so far?
Eggvn IV: Well, I think one of them is having reached our stage debut in the WGT in 2019, and that a few minutes after going on stage the sound engineer tells us that the label (I mean the old label on the that we were not at the current one) I never sent our technical requirements to be able to go on stage and give a good concert, it was a real chaos! hahahaha, fortunately Sven a friend who we appreciate very much saved us since the venue team did not speak English well and neither did they speak Spanish.
Eggvn V: Being in this project is the craziest experience so far, playing in other countries, knowing about other cultures, producing video clips, thinking about music in another ( and good ) way…
Pix666: You signed to a German label. How did the contact came about and what advantages does that bring for you as a band that comes from America?
Eggvn IV: It is very exciting to belong to the most recognized German label, and to have great bands as label partners, obviously it is beneficial to work with OUT OF LINE, since the scope and power of dissemination is greater, we were contacted directly by them and when we read their message that said “Hey, we have been following your career and your social networks and we are interested in you, would you be interested in collaborating with us?” It was fascinating, and obviously we ACCEPT!
Eggvn V: The best thing about it is giving us exposure to the people who are into the genre, and the people who have a wider point of view about music in general.
Pix666: In May 2021 your new album ‚La Era De La Bestia‘ will be released. What can the fans expect and are there some differences from the previous album?
Eggvn IV: EGGVN followers have become accustomed to finding different things in each of our works, we do not believe in monotonous musical formulas, we are always reinventing ourselves to offer a fresh product something that can be explored and enjoyed without the fans feeling that it sounds very similar to the previous album in fact this new album is just the beginning of what EGGVN will be in the future, it is a dark and very eclectic album .
Eggvn V: The EP and the first Album were an introduction, La Era de la Bestia is a transition, in this transition you’ll find even more experimentation in sounds and genres. Eggvn is a universe, every Album is a planet, with their own ecosystem, with more albums, a deeper journey…
Pix666: In which versions can the fans buy your Album? Is it already available for pre-order?
Eggvn IV: The standard version, The digital version, The extra satanic complete version!
Eggvn V: By now the CD, the Limited Mail-order only edition ( including 2 stickers and special package ) and the Complete Edition ( including 2 stickers, special package and La Era de la Bestia T-shirt ) are all available for pre-order now.
Pix666: You had some cool gigs booked for this year – Dark Malta Festival, M’era Luna … just to name a few. Now your album comes out in spring and you can’t play the new songs live in front of an audience right away. How frustrating is that for you?
Eggvn IV: It is difficult, it is sad because we really like to fill ourselves with energy on stage when we see all the people waiting for us, when you hear people sing their favorite songs, these are hard times all over the world but we know that we will get ahead and soon We can step on the stage to reconnect with the public and yell at them: “I want to see those fucking horns up!” hahaha
Eggvn V: It’s really fucking frustrating, even when in the very beggining the plan was not playing live, all our past gigs were so great, connection with the audience is a hard drug too difficult to left behind. From the dance, scream or slam people do, to the after show beers and talk are really an enjoyable experience… and of course the money thing, live shows are the very first way to support a band.. But well, in the meantime, playing our music, buying stuff ( no matter if is only a shirt or a sticker ) everything helps to keep doing this.
Pix666: Do you have planned a streaming event or another alternative to the album release as an option?
Eggvn IV: Well, if people need to see the 2-headed beast in a stream to mitigate the desire to see us, of course we could do a streaming, it would be exciting!
Eggvn V: By now we’re focused on all the stuff involved in the release of La Era de la Bestia, after that we can take the next step and plan a really good way to do a stream or looking for other options. It’s not that easy and we want to do a good job…
Pix666: You have an outfit in your videos and also on stage, which is a ‚little bit‘ conspicuous and clearly distinguishes you visually from other bands. Who had the idea for this and what meaning does it have for you?
Eggvn IV: EGGVN was a project which we did not know if we would perform live on stage, therefore we decided to give it a bonus for the people who followed us, later offers came to which we could not resist and after several adjustments in the outfit we were able to take it. finished.
Eggvn V: Chris proposed the idea, then we made the necessary efforts to make them happen. Visually it’s an impact of course, but the meaning itself is “ ideas transcends, humans are just a vehicle “.
Pix666: What is the current situation in Mexico and especially the mood among the people?
Eggvn IV: It is a somewhat difficult situation, there are restrictions, everything has changed in the workplace, it is a situation in which you must adapt or disappear
Eggvn V: By this time we’re all trying to keep the normal every-day live as far as we can due to restrictions…focusing in music is really an escape.
Pix666: As a musician, you certainly spend most of your time creating music – but what else do you do in your free time when you want to get your mind off things – are there any interesting hobbies that you pursue? ?
Eggvn IV: When you dedicate yourself to making music all the time you are thinking about the next step, there is no rest at least mentally all the time you work on music, in the physical aspect there are several hobbies, my current favorite is boxing, reading among others .
Eggvn V: Synthesis is a satanic workship wich is both an interesting job and a hobby , so no problem with it.
Pix666: Do you have any other news about Eggvn, that you would like to share with the fans?
Eggvn IV: A remix to a very dear friend Rudy Mr. Ratzinger: W: (WUMPSCUT), some tracks we are working on, so stay tuned!
Eggvn V: A couple of singles are coming before the official release of La Era de la Bestia, and our next remix for :W: will be released on a few months! So, you need to stay alert, time flies.
Pix666: Thank you very much for the interesting answers – Good luck with the new album and stay healthy!!!
Eggvn IV: Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be interviewed, stay safe, don’t let your guard down!
Eggvn V: Thank you for the interview!
photos and logos © by Eggvn